Friday, April 6, 2018


It seems our days get busy between Bible studies (mine one morning and David's another), chiropractor appointments and marketing.  Then, of course, the apartment has to be cleaned sometime!!  So we decided to have at least one day where we do something fun.  Hopefully, soon we'll be able to do more fun things as our time frees up some.  Once summer is here Bible studies will cease and the apartment is about finished (except for the occasional "that would be cute" item we just happen on) so our days should be open to really enjoying our new city.

Because David has been so good about all my doctor appointments (3x a week right now😢) and my limitations in walking, I told him today was going to be our fun day and he could choose where we go.  Earlier in the week I'd read about an impressionist exhibit at a museum I didn't know and we had talked about going there.  There was also an antique market somewhat near the museum he thought we could hit at the same time.  And we were off!!!!!

After my Chiro appointment, we took the metro to the Musee Jacquemart-Andre in an area I was unfamiliar with in the 8th Arrondissement.  This is a private museum created from the private home of Edouard Andre and his wife Nelie Jacquemart to display the art they collected during their lives.

Musee Jacquemart-Andre

It's amazing to think of anyone living like this!  He was the son of a prominent banking family and devoted his considerable fortune to buying works of art exhibiting them in his mansion built in l869.  He married Nelie, a well-known society painter, and they would travel to Italy collecting one of the finest collections of Italian art in France.  Their mansion was bequeathed to the Institut de France and opened to the public in 1913.  Amazing!

From there we walked toward the antique market stopping for lunch at this little salad place.  You went in, chose your greens from a refrigerated area then took it to the counter and they put your greens in a big bowl adding your choices from the large selection they had of meats, cheeses, vegetables and seeds and various dressings.  They toss it all and put it in a nice bowl and you can take it with you or eat there.  We ate there.  I had the best salad with lots of great veggies, egg and sunflower seeds.

A great salad!
It was a beautiful day in Paris,  and we ate outside people watching and enjoying the sunshine.  After lunch, we started walking to this antique market that's being held till Sunday on the other side of the Arch de Triomphe.  I just couldn't make the walk-my leg was hurting after my earlier appointment and I was done!  So, we grabbed a bus up to the market place.  We could see the buildings where it probably was but we couldn't see any activity and with my leg hurting we just decided to save the steps and go home.

This is the Arch de Triomphe from the side

Tomorrow is market day (we're about out of fruits and veggies) and maybe we'll try the antique market again.  David thinks maybe we just were on the wrong end of the buildings.  We'll see....

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