Friday, April 13, 2018


Things are beginning (after nearly six weeks) to get into a routine,  and the apartment is beginning to feel and look more and more like home.  Soon I'll send a video or pics of the progress we've made on the apartment.  As I said in an earlier post, with me it's never finished as I'm always on the lookout for accessories.

Earlier this week David got an email from our sweet owner who said she had arranged for someone to pick up the sofa in May.  We were slightly disappointed we'd have to live with this piece till May but, at the same time, were grateful the end was in sight.  Later that same day she wrote again saying she'd made an mistake in the earlier email and the company was coming THIS Thursday!!!!!!  Boy, were we doing the happy dance!!!!💃. Wednesday is "free IKEA bus" day so we got up bright and early Wednesday to catch the bus from home so we could catch the first IKEA bus (10:00).  Unlike our last trip to IKEA, the weather was beautiful, blue skies and sunny. We had to wait at the bus stop near us (not too near...we still had to walk a little!!!) but it was a pretty day with a pretty view so who cares???!!

This was the view as we waited for the bus!

Once at IKEA (which is quite a little trip but, again, we're sitting in a nice bus and enjoying the view and not hassling with traffic so who cares??!!), we headed straight to the sofas and purchased the one we'd decided on the first trip.  Of course, you can't just buy a sofa so along the way to checkout we picked up the new coffee table (just like the one that was in the apartment that had not been taken care of and not really my style but it looks nice with everything and was cheap!) and other miscellaneous items.  Again, we were able to ride with the driver instead of taking the bus back which is really nicer and quicker.  The biggest problem when we arrived is they only take the delivery to the front door of the building---we had to get this (especially the boxed sofa that weighed 150lbs!!!) up to our apartment.  So, little by little, piece by piece, we put our purchases in the lift (thank you God!!!) and then put it all in the guest room till Thursday when the old sofa was out.  Honestly, David had to do all the heavy work and he was exhausted after.  But it was all worth it when we put it all together on Thursday and can now sit (or lay) on the sofa in comfort!!!!

Sometimes, you just have to stay home (even if Paris is on your doorstep) and do the ordinary laundry.  And though David uses the "dryer" cycle on the combo washer/dryer, I prefer not to for my things.  I like putting them on the drying rack or hangers.  I always liked hanging clothes outside on a clothesline (sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time!!!!) and this is similar except no fresh air smell (unless I can open the window next to the rack).  I HAVE to figure out which product is fabric softener at the store!!!!!!

This is real life!!!

I did have lingerie hanging there as well....not necessary to show that in pics!!!!!  As you can see, the window is closed,  but I prefer to have it open if it's not too cool.  Then the clothes dry faster and smell a little nicer.

We also are cooking more than before even though there are quite a few little restaurants on our quiet, little street.  Using my new David Lebovitz book "My Parisian Kitchen" (you can get it on Amazon), we made "Chicken with Mustard " (Poulet a la Moutarde in French) and it was yummy!!!  We cut the recipe in half (since there's just two of us) but it is definitely a dish I'd make for company.  This is the second recipe we've made from his book and both were delicious.  He's really a pastry chef so I can't wait to try his desserts!!!!

We don't always eat like this but isn't it pretty??
Today the handy man is here fixing some small things we couldn't take care of.  He speaks English which is really nice!!!!  This afternoon I think we're going to  do a little marketing then maybe hit a new museum I read about---when the weather is nice, we want to take advantage of it and be out.

So, that's a little of our life this week.....Happy Weekend!!!!

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