Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 7, 2017

So, the other big thing that has happened is I'm no longer working.  If you see my Facebook page, you know my doctor has sold his practice (which I knew was coming) and it seemed a good time for me to leave since there will be lots to do in the next few months.  Another step toward the dream!

Today we leave for Houston for our Visa Application interview at the French Consulate in Houston.  David has accumulated all the necessary papers according to the information we were emailed.  We each have a file since we're not certain if they will see us together or separately.

While there is no reason we should not get a visa, it is still a little stressful as our whole dream depends on being able to stay more than 90 days.  That said, I don't feel worried about it since I believe "greater is He that is in me....".  I just hope they don't ask for something unexpectedly that we don't have.

The fun part of this little trip will be seeing good friends from another life.  We lived in Springfield,Missouri, when Courtney was born (a long time ago!!!) and the dear friends we knew there now live in Houston so dinner is planned.  I love reconnecting with friends who touched our family along the way.  It's the blessing of all the moves.

Until after our interview.....

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