Thursday, March 22, 2018


This morning, while I was still in bed, David got up and took the metro (along with a new "friend" and our pastor) to a Bible study the men from church have every week.  He's actually gone each Tuesday  since we moved here but also went in October when we were here on vacation.      The study is always lead by one of the men (not Pastor Scott) and David says it's really good...not fluff.

After he got home and we'd had breakfast, we talked about where to spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon.  Obviously, there are tons of places we could go, almost too numerous to begin seeing, but we decided to take the bus to Saint Paul in the 4th.  We've been there before and wanted to find the little antique dealer where we'd bought some things in October.

We bundled up (me especially!) because it's still freezing cold here 😠and headed for the bus stop.  On the way, we saw (for the second time-I missed getting a picture the first time!) the mail person (not man because, this time it was a woman!!)delivering the mail.  I mention this because, again, it's interesting to me how they deliver mail in the busy city.

Every mail person needs her wheels!

 And here's the "mail truck"!!!!!  I didn't get her picture, but she rides this bike stopping at each building where she has mail, rings the bell, and goes in leaving the mail in either boxes or at the gardienne's.  In our case, she (or he, I'm not sure if our mail person is male or female) leaves the mail with Madame Orosoco, our gardienne, and she delivers it to each tenant.  I just thought it was interesting....on a bike.  David and I remembered growing up when the mailman brought the mail to each individual house on the street (this was in Missouri) after parking his truck somewhere down the street.  This would be a tough job in the rain (especially as much as we get here), but at least you'd stay trim with all that bicycling!!!!

After getting to Saint Paul and walking around unsuccessful in finding our little antiquer (is that a word????), we stopped in various little shops but nothing called my name until, after quite a bit of walking, I saw this...

Peek in and you can't walk away!

Ice cream???  On a day where I'm wearing my big scarf and gloves???  Why not???  It was past lunch time, or close, and a little treat sounded good!!  When we walked in this cute little place, you should have seen the cones!!!!!  They looked like flowers in a cone!!!  Really!  Who could pass that up???  Not me, the Queen of Ice Cream (gelato counts!!)!!!  And so...

It's never too cold for ice cream!!!

I got chocolate chip on the bottom layer, chocolate petals and a vanilla center.  Even David said later as he ate his, "this is no normal ice cream cone-it's a work of art".  And it tasted as good, or better, than it looked!

I did end up finding a nice-sized glass vase at this little store that had all kinds of kitchen stuff...white dishes everywhere, gadgets, clocks etc. but nothing I really needed but the vase.  I brought my prize for the day home and can't wait to buy some flowers to put in it!

All in all a day well spent.  Tonight we're checking out French conversation classes that we think are at the church......

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