Thursday, March 1, 2018


A week ago or so as we were packing things up and taking things down, I was overcome with a feeling I recognized as fear!  Were we really leaving our home for the last 20 years, friends we have come to love AND our children and grandchildren????????  What were we thinking???!!!  Fortunately, this fear didn't last long as I considered the adventure we were about to begin.

Sunday we left our townhouse for the last time😢.  I have said all along how I have loved living here.  In all our moves, I never had sadness leaving a house....only the friends.  But, for some reason, this is different.  While it didn't really look like our home anymore with special pictures off the walls, English teapots packed away and family pictures ready to go to Paris, driving away David and I both were a little teary.  David's comment was "It's been a wonderful life here...and now we're ready to begin another journey in our life together."

Once we were actually "out" of the townhouse and at Courtney's,  the sadness left and, really, for the first time, I started to feel excited.  We were about to move to one of the most beautiful cities in the world...oh my gosh!!!!  I never tire of seeing this twinkling sight!!!!  I know, I'm a geek!!!!

This excitement was replaced several days later by frustration!!!  Mostly David's.  There are many things involved in making a move like ours and when you're doing it on your own (not under the umbrella of employment), it sometimes seems nearly impossible.  Again, there was cursing and gnashing of teeth (I know that's not the Scriptural phrase!!) but in the end, David's perseverance paid off and accomplishments were made.  On the Paris side, we both believe this move would have impossible without Adrian Leeds and her team.  They are truly fabulous and if you are ever wanting to make a move like ours or even rent a vacation apartment, I cannot recommend her enough.

Fear, sadness, excitement and frustration...lots of emotions in one week's time.  I'm happy to say I think we are back in the excitement phase and it's probably only going to get better.  We leave for Paris the day after tomorrow...eek!!!!!!!!  I wonder what new emotions we'll have then???!!!!!!

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