Thursday, January 4, 2018

What About Recipes???

I love cooking and baking.  When the kids were growing up, I was always trying "new recipes" which were sometimes met with moans and groans.  I also baked all our cookies, brownies and cakes from scratch (no boxes!!) because I was home, had the time, and enjoyed the process.

However, I'm no Julia Child and always needed a recipe unless it was something that just needed to be put in a saucepan or roasted in the oven.  The first meal I ever prepared David after we got married was Beef Stroganoff and I used the recipe from my "wedding gift" Betty Crocker cookbook.  It was fabulous!!!!

All that to say, now we are preparing to move and I have, over the years, collected many cookbooks.  I read them like novels pouring over each recipe and picture determining the ones that sound good to me.  Because I'm a magazine addict (to be discussed at a later time!!), I have also torn pages out of various and sundry magazines of recipes that I wanted to try.  So now, in addition to cookbooks, I have two notebooks stuffed with categorized recipes from magazines.

A notebook, some cards and a few books

There's no way I can take all this to Paris,  but I need (and want) many of these recipes--even though I realize the ingredients of some may be difficult to find and the measure system is different (yet another issue for me!!!).  After discussing this with David and considering the choices of scanning said recipes and keeping a computer file, doing a Shutterfly book (still requiring scanning), or creating one single notebook that can be added to or taken from,  I think I've decided on the latter.  Now, of course, I will have to go through all the paper recipes I have, the cards I have and copy any cookbook pages I need.  But adding new recipes and deleting unused recipes will be much easier, I think.

I know this isn't a very technological method, but then I'm not very technological.  I do want a pretty notebook because, again, who knows where I'll have to store this wealth of information!  I'm open to other ideas if anyone has any- send me a comment.  Truth is, familiar meals (at least some) with fresh foods will help our new home feel like home.   Maybe I can become Julia Child along the way!!!!!


  1. I see the cookbook we made at Palatine right in front! Still my favorite, too :)

  2. Great memories and recipes in that book!

  3. Take pictures of your recipes with your phone and upload the pics to Flickr (free with a yahoo email setup) and you can organize them into albums (appetizers, entrees, desserts, etc). You can then read them anywhere with your phone or iPad. - Harold
