Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Car

So..along with selling our townhouse and nearly all our possessions we will be selling our cars.  That's probably not surprising since what would we do with them for 1-3 years while we are gone??? Most of you who know me know I'm am not enamored with cars, mine or anyone else's.  I know what I like-small, sporty in a color other than a neutral.  That's it.  I seldom know one make from another nor do I really care.

Goodbye sweet car!  It's been nice!

That said, I'm finding it hard to think of selling my car.  Not because I just love it (though I do) or because I want to drive in Paris (which I absolutely do not!).  Since I was 16 and bought my first car (a Ford Falcon!!!), I have had a car.  I could go when I wanted, leave when I wanted--it was an independence I appreciated.  Now, without a car,  I will be at the mercy of a metro system (though an excellent one and pretty easy to figure out) and a bus system (again very easy)...oh, and my two legs (one of which is recuperating from meniscus surgery so not real reliable this moment!!).

Adrian says not having a car is liberating--no insurance, no gas, no maintenance, no parking issues, no car payments.  I get that.  Really.  But right this moment I'm thinking more about walking to a metro station or bus stop (my mother did that!) and waiting to go wherever it is I'm wanting to go.
Do you see what I'm saying????  I'm a little fearful of the unknown (does that sound ridiculous as I plan to move out of the country??!!) and can see myself getting lost or ending up in Timbuktu (did you know that's a real place?????And it's not close!!!).

This is just another "letting go of the old and embracing the new" I'm facing.  And while I have just revealed a little of my personal crazy, I also know this urban lifestyle I am approaching will soon (I hope!) be my new normal and I may never want a car again!!!!!  You never know.....

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