Tuesday, October 1, 2019


A short post today just to let you know what we've been up to the past week.  Last week we went to a movie, "Laura", with Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews.  A 1940's Hitchcock-style movie at Le Champo,  a theater over near the Sorbonne.  Some friends invited us to go with them,  and we followed it with dinner.  We love movies (old and new) and were not familiar with this particular one.

The theater was small but very nice and comfy.  But, and I say this because this is VERY important to this movie goer, NO POPCORN!!!!!!  Like a hotdog at a baseball game, popcorn at a movie is a necessity and always tastes better than anywhere else.  Anyway, no snacks at all.  Which, actually, was fine since we had dinner planned.

Not exactly AMC or Cinemark!!

I know this picture is pretty far away but I wanted you to get the feeling of the street.  This was taken after dinner and it was a weeknight, but you can see how quiet the street is and the little "neighborhood" theater.  Nice.

Dinner was at Brasserie Balzar,  a restaurant we'd been to before with other friends.  It's very nice and pretty quiet.  The prices are good (so says David..I'm never quite aware of all of that!!).  I had a chicken Caesar salad that was delicious!  The restaurant was just a couple of doors down from the theater which was nice...just a little stroll.  It was a fun night out and a great break from all the Bloom planning and moving business.

Brasserie Balzar

Sunday is "treat night"!!!!  That doesn't mean we don't have treats other nights, but I discovered early on I absolutely cannot have a brownie, tart etc. every day...or even every other day.  Too much treat makes for a too much Sherry!!!!!  Anyway, our normal boulangerie isn't open on Sunday (good for them!) so on Sunday evenings (or late afternoon), we stroll over to this boulangerie and choose a little treat for later.  Now, they have beautiful desserts but we usually get a brownie or something similar.  What can I say?  It's just a favorite of ours (with ice cream, of course!!).  Sometimes when we're eating out, I choose something more special but a brownie (or chocolate cake) is always my favorite.

It's nice to have a backup boulangerie!!

By Sunday evening things can be a little picked over-sometimes there's not a brownie and we have to choose one of these...poor us😉

So far this week things have been bustling with the last minute preparations for the Bloom Where You're Planted event on Saturday.  Once Bloom is over, the weeks will probably fly as we have friends coming, dinners planned with friends and a little trip to Austria.

One step at a time.....

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