Friday, April 27, 2018


We have sort of designated Friday as "cleaning day".  I think some people choose to clean on Monday (based on what I hear in our apartment building that sounds like cleaning), but we decided to do it the end of the week.  So...two hours (give or take) later the apartment was clean and some laundry done.  Even in the City of Lights bathrooms and floors must be cleaned!!!!

After that we made a trip to Monoprix to pick up a few things.  It's just like go in for a few specific things and end up with a bag full of things you didn't realize you NEEDED!!!!  I also popped into a Gap store (different than the one I'd previously been in) just to check it out!

Several weeks ago I'd read an article in "Bonjour Paris, an online magazine I receive,  about a museum I'd never heard of  (which doesn't really say much!!!), The Musee Clemenceau.  George Clemenceau was a civil and political leader through World War I.  He worked closely with President Woodrow Wilson on the Treaty of Versailles and was the President of France.  Born in 1841, he died in 1929 in the apartment where he lived from 1895 until his death in 1929.  The apartment is part of the museum and has been left completely intact following his death.

We walked to the museum which is across the Seine.  Along the walk, there is an area called The Trocadero.  It's a space full of museums, fountains and parks overlooking the Seine directly in front of the Eiffel Tower.  One of the main fountains was in the movie "Rush Hour 3"!!!  There are also several carousels and food stands (coffee, ice cream, crepes etc) so it's a fun place for families.
I love a pretty carousel!

The museum is located on a quiet street in a normal apartment building.  There is a sign out front,  but if you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't know it was there.

Once inside you find yourself in a pretty courtyard where you go to the door, ring the bell and are let into the museum.  Very different from the larger museums in the city.

Coffee would also have been nice
These are the kind of museums I like most--not just art but where people actually lived.  The first part of the museum was typical...different displays of his work, political life etc.  Then you go downstairs to the apartment and are able to view all the rooms of his apartment just as it was when he lived there.  Nothing has been changed.  We used the typical  headsets so we could get the full picture of his life there.  Very nice!

Walking back home after our visit, we passed the food stands (well, actually we didn't PASS the stands...we STOPPED at a stand!!!), got an ice cream  cone (soft serve this time!!) and took a selfie with the Eiffel Tower background.

It was a nice day in Paris...a little work, a little play.  A perfect day....

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