Saturday, September 19, 2020


 SEPTEMBER 19, 2020

Well, it's been many months since I've posted a word.  My summer has been much like yours, I'm sure, with all the COVID restrictions and limitations.  It's been difficult since we hadn't been in Kansas City that long before everything changed so we had little time to "find our people" before we couldn't "get with our people"!  Fortunately, we did find a place to worship and that small group has been meeting at a shelter house in a local park on Tuesday evenings.  It's been very nice and a great way for us to get to know these couples better.

I had my hip replacement surgery July 20 at an orthopedic surgery center here in the Kansas City area by a young doctor I really like.  Obviously, all the precautions were followed and after spending two nights there, I came home.  One or two days on a walker followed by a cane for a time until I felt I could walk better without it.  I had in-home therapy for two weeks then went to outpatient therapy (which I'm still doing once a week) twice a week at St. Lukes Hospital Therapy Center down the street from us.  I think the therapy was good then, but now I'm not sure how much it helps.  David and I have been walking 1.5-2 miles a day in addition to the stairs in our building and lifestyle walking (shopping, grocery shopping etc.).  I've never really had any pain...just stiffness and tight muscles so have resumed some yoga, stretching, my strength workouts and even one kickboxing workout (low impact, of course!).  I have even tried on a pair of my block-heeled fall booties,  and I think I could wear them for dinner out (which we're not doing yet) or a movie (if one ever opens) or...going to a friend's house (which we have done just a little).  

This past weekend the Kansas City Parks and Rec Department sponsored several events we enjoyed.  Thursday night they offered a trio concert from the Kansas City Symphony at Loose Park, the park not far from us where we love to walk.  We took our chairs, a picnic basket (a la Paris!!) and masks and enjoyed some lovely music in a beautiful setting.  There weren't many people there, though people continued to stop and listen as the musicians were playing.  It wasn't very long and afterwards, because the evening was so nice, we walked around the park a little.  

Here's a small shot of the trio

                                                                        Just a little snack


                                                               Here we are in COVID life!

Then this weekend has been an art event in various locations where registered painters could come and "quick paint"...sign in and begin a painting  to be completed by the appointed time and then judged.  First place was $500!!  The first location of the weekend was the little park across the street from our apartment so we strolled over there last night and looked at some of the artists as they painted various fountains, towers etc. in the area.  Again the evening was so nice (I think fall is coming!!) and there were many families out strolling too.


                                 Just a few of the painters - they're all facing a large fountain

Many times as we walk we have musicians playing which I love.  It so reminds me of Paris,  and I always try to drop a little in their cases so they will continue to come and play!

We're really loving our life here (limited though it is due to COVID) and are really appreciating the fall season as we didn't get much of it all our years in Texas.   We're living the lifestyle we moved here for and trying to take advantage of all the opportunities to enjoy it.  

Til next time....