It's been weeks since I last posted anything. That's not because there's been nothing to tell but, in reality, lots of little things that seem to me too unimportant. That's my Facebook personality coming through!!!!
So...let's do a little catch-up of what our life has looked like these pre-Christmas weeks.
It seems the shopping has no end. Most of you know, I'm not really a shopper so doing it for all the adults and the little boys and extended family is really a job. We've done much online (as usual from each person's Amazon list) but have also been out many times, both on foot (!!!) and in the car. At this writing, all presents are bought and wrapped for another year! Being in a new home means creating new habits and routines so I'm sure this will be easier next year. The sunroom became our "storage" unit!!!
As a Baptist, we never celebrated "Advent", the four Sundays before Christmas, formally. But Nikki has always done it since being an adult and has taught me about it (and then at ACP we also celebrated it in church). This year Nikki decided to put together some Advent Boxes and sell them on an Etsy sight. We talked about what might be good items to put together and, as always, her creativity and faith blended beautifully to create a nice little way to celebrate Advent. Of course, I bought one (I told her I should get a discount since I was consulted as an advisor!!!!) and found a little "sacred space" I think she calls it to place it.
My "sacred space" |
This is in the sunroom (that is absolutely freezing!!!) on top of my desk. The flower pot I bought to plant the "hope" bulbs that were part of my box. Each week she has a written devotional along with the Scriptures for that week. And, then, there are little "odds and ends" for fun. Beads for a simple ornament or bookmark, journal for recording thoughts or verses (I noted Romans 15:13 and have been memorizing it), a tiny jar filled with confetti for joy, an origami peace crane. There are just lots of little things to help make these weeks more spiritually meaningful. In this season of busyness (especially when we're still adjusting to our new home), this has been a quiet place for me to reflect on the real meaning of Christmas.
We knew moving to Kansas City was going to be a weather experience for us since we've spent the last 27 or so years in Texas where snow is minimal. Already it's snowed a couple of times. Early on, though, it was just a light covering. However, last Sunday it snowed 4-5 inches, and it was soooo beautiful. We sat in our cozy, little apartment watching it fall over the trees and buildings we can see from the sunroom. My grandmother lived many of her last years in Lake Tahoe in an apartment that overlooked the snow-covered mountains and she loved it. Like her, we don't need to get out if we don't want to so we can cozy up, watch a movie and enjoy the beauty of it.
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"let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" |
Feeling Parisian
A couple of times these past few weeks, I've felt very Parisian. Strange, huh??!! The first time was a day that was really cold, like 20 degrees, when I went out shopping for David's Christmas. I could have driven to the Plaza and parked, but that seemed ridiculous when we're right down the street from the main drag. So I bundled up in my coat, boots, scarf and gloves and off I went. The wind blew around the corners of the streets but, like a Parisian, walking was the best transportation for accomplishing my task. Parking can be difficult (although there were plenty of spots in the lots close since not many people were out) and walking is easy (though for me painful!).
Anyway, as I was walking into Barnes and Noble a homeless lady asked me if I would get her a hot chocolate. I looked around to see where I could buy one and she told me there was a cafe inside B&N (I didn't remember that). So after my shopping, I picked up a large hot chocolate AND a chocolate chip cookie (one goes with the other!!!!) and gave them to her as I left. That also feels very Parisian.
The other time I felt a little Parisian was one evening when David and I were out strolling and a saxophonist was playing on the corner. Now, you know we frequently saw musicians in Paris as we walked around and I loved that. Here, at least now at the holidays, there are occasionally small groups of musicians or individuals playing. This guy was really good and, unlike many of those in Paris, had the "accompaniment box" with the backup music. It's always worth a few dollars in their jar to hear the music as we walk.
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Street musicians are my favorite |
Drew's Visit
Drew came for his first overnight visit a week ago, and we had a wonderful time. Dinner at a restaurant, Rye, just down the street from us then a stroll through the Plaza. We baked some Christmas sugar cookies but they didn't turn out very good. Oh, they tasted good but they didn't look very good. I think there was a "poor measurement" problem ingredient-wise...Drew and I are just out of practice baking together!!!! It was more about the experience of baking together...and we could eat the cookies I just wouldn't want to give them to anyone!!!!!
On Saturday the three of us went to Church of the Resurrection's Christmas program. We all enjoyed it, but I, honestly, was a little disappointed. This is a mega church and I expected an over-the-top performance. But I think Drew enjoyed it and, again, it was something we could share.
Unexpected Visitors
Without going into the specifics, the Friday we picked up Drew we got a phone call from my niece asking if she and her 2-yr. old daughter could stay with us for 4 days. Of course, we said yes. Oh, my gosh!!! It's been a loooong time since we had a 2-yr. old in the house. And we are too old!!!!!! She's darling, though, and I did enjoy it. I know God has a purpose for us here and maybe it's for times like this...."...who knows but that you are here for such a time as this.." (Esther). I polished her nails a Christmas red and blow-dried her hair after a shower. Can't do those things with boys!!!!!
High maintenance begins early!! |
Fun times with "Ded"!!!! |
She and David ran errands while Jennifer and I did a little shopping. They stopped at Panera for a hot chocolate and a cookie. She called David "Ded" (like dead). When he'd leave, she'd go through the apartment calling "where's Des?" Really cute....but exhausting!!!!!
A chocolate chip cookie is always a good idea!! |
Early Christmas
My younger sister and her husband came over for an early Christmas celebration. We shared dinner (potato soup and French Onion sliders), read the Christmas story from Luke (like we've always done with our families) and opened presents (which Abbe loved!). And then, of course, we had a final picture taken of "the girls".....
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From the left: Abbe and me, Tracey and Jennifer |
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night........